The saving that you never expected
Since ever rapier weaving technology implicates warp and weft waste formation at both fabric sides. But today, Itema changes the rules of the game.
ItemaLab™, the Itema Advanced Innovation Department, developed a breakthrough device – iSAVER™ – able to completely eliminate the left-hand weft waste, leading to unparalleled benefits.
- iSAVER™ is based on the latest and most advanced mechatronic principles which provide weavers with a highly
innovative, yet intuitive and simple-to-operate device:
– set-up is possible directly from the machine console
– the device does not hinder in any way the operating speed of the loom
– in case of fabric width adjustments the iSAVER™ stays in its position since the weaver just needs to work on the
right side of the fabric by setting an asymmetric width reduction - working up to four weft colors/yarns, the iSAVER™ features four small clamps that hold the yarn during the weft insertion cycle and that move according to the weft that has to be inserted in the fabric
- by inserting the weft yarns in the fabric without the need of additional yarns, the iSAVER™ eliminates the false selvedge on the left side of the fabric significantly reducing raw material waste leading to never-seen-before cost savings and setting a new benchmark in sustainable weaving.