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The Organization Model

The Organization, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01

Itema S.p.A., as part of the broader corporate policy, sensitive to the need to ensure conditions of fairness and transparency in the conduct of business and corporate activities, to protect the Company itself and its shareholders, has analyzed and strengthened the control and corporate governance tools adopted, proceeding with the implementation and regular updating of the Organization, Management and Control Model, envisaged by Legislative Decree 231/2001.

In all the choices made by Itema S.p.A. as the holding company of the Group, the Model integrates the system of procedures aimed at ensuring compliance with corporate strategies and the achievement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the processes, the safeguarding of the quality and value of the activity, as well as the reliability and the integrity of accounting and management information. The system of processes and procedures has long allowed Itema S.p.A. to define organizational standards based on the principles of fairness and safe and prudent management, on which the Organizational Model is therefore grafted, in order specifically to ensure the legality of the work of the representatives of the entire Itema Group.

Purpose of the model

With the adoption of the Organizational Model, Itema aims to:

  • remember that any illegal conduct is absolutely condemned by the Company, even if inspired by a misunderstood corporate interest and even if such conduct should apparently generate an advantage for the Company
  • make all those who work in the name and on behalf of Itema and, particularly, in the areas identified as “at risk” of committing the relevant crimes pursuant to the Decree, aware of the obligation to comply with the provisions contained in the Model and more generally with the Company regulations
  • inform the Recipients that the violation of the provisions contained in the Model constitutes a disciplinary sanctionable behavior and that in the event of the commission of a relevant crime pursuant to the Decree, to the criminal sanctions applicable to them in a personal capacity, it could be added the administrative liability headed by the Company, with the consequent application of the sanctions envisaged against the Company
  • allow the Company to intervene promptly to prevent or oppose the commission of the offenses envisaged by the Decree.