QRP Certification
QRP Quality, Reliability, Performance Certification is testament to Itema’s relentless pursuit of quality through the effective implementation of cutting-edge product design, manufacturing (lean manufacturing) and delivery processes, supported by an unrivalled aftersales system. Which goes to show that Quality, Reliability, Performance are an inherent part of any machine.
QRP Philosophy
Doing the right thing is our mission!
Helping our clients be successful is our goal!
We are relentlessly committed to perfecting the weaving process through our consistent research into innovation, streamlining, optimisation of design and standardisation, all in pursuit of total quality and user-friendliness.
For the future of Itema and our clients, we build sustainability into our products. In everything we do, our strategy encompasses the entire process, from provisioning and manufacturing, to distribution and operation. Time is money, and our just-in-time philosophy turns out to be effective and convenient for Itema as well as for our clients.
QRP Implementation
We focus on the manufacture of highly usable machines that improve ergonomics, productivity and customer satisfaction. Our ability to make different picking technologies compatible with each other will be used in the development of new products, which will become more flexible and user-friendly.
Streamlined static and dynamic components dictate the specifications of Itema machines. Uncompromising commitment to research and development in strict tests are a guarantee of high performance and return on investments. The QRP seal means global quality, and, to prove how confident we are, every QRP-sealed machine will have a two-year warranty.*
These statements are our promise about the quality of our machines; the warranty is proof of our commitment.
* Terms and conditions apply.