Tofflon Itema opens the doors of its new headquarters for a grand opening event
Nibbia, San Pietro Mosezzo (NO), Italy – Itema, leading global provider of advanced weaving solutions, and Tofflon Science and Technology Group Co. Ltd., Asiatic giant company in the pharmaceutical industry, organized a Grand Opening Ceremony on May 16th, 2024, to inaugurate Tofflonit, the new company dedicated to the production of industrial lyophilizers for the biopharmaceutic sector that operates with the name of Tofflon Itema Srl.
In the new premises of Nibbia, in the municipality of San Pietro Mosezzo in the province of Novara, the manufacturing plant has been working since October and features high levels of quality and innovation and, on May 16th, the Opening Ceremony took place here with the participation of more than 100 representatives of biopharmaceutical companies from all over Europe.
The inauguration ceremony was in fact welcomed with interest and great participation by companies in the sector from 13 different countries, namely Italy, Finland, France, Greece, Germany, Latvia, Morocco, Holland, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, and Hungary, who attended an event where the usual presentations were followed by a detailed technical tour of a complete freeze-drying system. The Ceremony started with the usual message of the authorities, here represented by the Mayor of San Pietro Mosezzo, Giuseppe Brognoli, who underlined the importance of new industrial undertakings for the growth of the territory, from the point of view both of technology and employment.
The mayor was then followed by Anthony Zheng, CEO of Tofflon Group, who thanked Itema for its valuable contribution in the development of the new headquarters of the Group in Italy and, during the year of the 31st anniversary of Tofflon he stated “As one of the founders, I am proud of our journey, full of numerous challenges and many achievements. Now, during the year of our 31st anniversary, we have reached a new milestone establishing the first Tofflon manufacturing plant in Europe, which testifies our commitment to offer even more efficient and convenient services to our customers in Europe and America. On the journey ahead, we look forward to collaborating closely with companies, universities and research institutes in Novara, Italy and across Europe.”
Ugo Ghilardi, CEO of Itema Group, then took the stage and reviewed the last three years of collaboration between Itema and Tofflon which brought to life the new production site which was designed and industrialized according to the most modern principles of lean manufacturing by Itemalab, Itema’s engineering company. Ghilardi then underlined how “quality is the hallmark of this new company. Tofflon Itema was created to guarantee its customers quality in products, quality in innovations, quality in service and quality in relationships. Ours is a promise of quality to the market.
During the event, a key testimony has come from a special guest, Margherita Verga, Owner of Sacco System Group, a company of Cadorago, in the province of Como, that since 1934 has been offering a wide range of innovative products, including starter cultures for food fermentation (in particular dairy products) and nutritional supplements (probiotic cultures), as well as food improvement tools. Margherita Verga has talked about her company’s experience with Tofflon, which has been supplying machinery to the Sacco Group for more than 10 years, underlying the quality and the timeliness of the services offered.
In closing, the history of the company’s foundation and its objectives were summarized by Ted Dai, General Manager of Tofflon Itema.
The technical tour dedicated to discovering a complete freeze-drying line was preceded by an accurate technical presentation.
The event concluded with the signing of a sale contract between Tofflon Itema and the Slovakian company HelgeHeim.
What a better closing for an Opening Ceremony.
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